Ethos, Values and Equality Objectives

Devoran School’s Vision, Aims, Values and Equality Objectives

Our Vision

Our mission is to guarantee that children leave our care knowing that they have received the best and richest education, that they have continuously put in their best effort, and that they have developed a thirst for learning that they will take with them into their future studies and careers.


Our Aims

  • We value a love of learning in our children and a ‘learning for all’ culture within our school community.
  • We prioritise healthy self-esteem, together with independence and high expectations.
  • We foster a ‘can do’ culture where children recognise that it is okay to find things difficult.
  • We value children knowing that persevering is necessary to learn.
  • We value and encourage reflective thinking, which enables our children to appreciate all that is rich and diverse in the world.
  • We promote open honest relationships within the school community.
  • We use our outstanding environment to nurture creativity, awareness and respect.
  • We create opportunities for children to develop their ability to question, to debate rationally and to think for themselves– enabling them to make healthy informed choices.


Our Values





Equality Objectives 2022-2023

Objective 1

To improve the attendance of our Pupil Premium children to ensure they have full access to their education and opportunities.

Why we have chosen this objective: Attendance is really important for all our children.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Monitor the attendance of our children half-termly as well as having good communication with our parents as well as targeted support where needed.


Objective 2

To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences, both in and beyond the school.

Why we have chosen this objective: We want to create opportunities for all our children to experience the world around them and raise their understanding of other cultures as well as gain more understanding of their own identity.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Engage with companies to raise cultural awareness as well as celebrating cultural celebration days and developing ‘awareness weeks’ for safety, aspirations and sport.


Objective 3

To provide all our children with opportunities to engage in wider opportunities such as music, after-school clubs.

Why we have chosen this objective: We do not want our children who are deemed to be disadvantaged to miss out on the wider opportunities that are available to them based on their parent’s financial status.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Share our Charging and Remissions Policy, Reach out to Parents and also use some of the Pupil Premium Fund to ensure that we are able to offer these opportunities to our children.


Objective 4

To continue the process of becoming a “Rights Respecting School” in order to reduce prejudice, increase our understanding of equality and promote our understanding of the Rights of the Child.

Why we have chosen this objective: We feel that it is really important to inform our children of their rights, giving them a voice and empowering them for their future.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Continue on our RRS journey, working towards the UNICEF Silver accreditation.


Objective 5

To model and teach learning behaviours that avoid labelling whilst developing the sense of identity.

Why we have chosen this objective: We want to foster an understanding of equity, not equality through our school whilst celebrating differences. We want children to understand their own sense of identity no matter what that may look like.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Use resources such as Zones of Regulation as well as our Trauma Informed Schools practice to help support this understanding.